A good driver has some amazing features which makes him stand out among other drivers behind the wheel. When we are driving on the road on a regular basis, it would be a common sight to see people who drive badly and do not follow the necessary driving rules, which has one ultimate goal: Safeguarding the lives of others.

Bad drivers do not stick to traffic rules; they skip lane driving. Some of them even pick calls while driving, and they talk for a good while, not minding the fact that their attention is divided and there are people on the road whose lives depend on the quality of his driving.

To start with, a good driver is one who is not addicted to drugs and alcohol. There are some drivers who are in the habit of taking drugs or alcohol so that it can help them feel better. This is a bad habit which should be avoided, as these substances have a way of messing with the brain, preventing the driver from making the right decisions on the road.

In addition, alcohol and drugs also have a way of interfering with the vision of the driver. Hence, images of people and objects might look confusing to him, and it could be hard making the right move. A driver who is not addicted to alcohol and drugs has a better chance at saving lives, than someone who is addicted.

Furthermore, a good driver needs to have a good mental health. Some people take to the wheels while depressed, and they sulk over it while driving. This is bad and risky, as there is a tendency for the driver to make mistakes. Hence, if your mental health is not functioning properly, it is required that you stay off the wheels till you get back on your feet.

Conclusively, a good driver keeps all the rules of the road. He knows what is expected of him, and he abides by them. He understands that flouting those rules could spell doom not only for himself, but for other drivers and pedestrians.

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